Description and Amenities

If you’re looking for a new residence and a luxury condo is on your list than you’ll be happy to know that the people at United overseas land (UOL) have begun a new initiative that will add a stunning addition to condo row in the private residential neighborhoods near Paya Lebar and Bartley along what is now known as the “Condo Belt.” Here it’s almost impossible now days to get a new condominium, as Bartley Ridge is 96% sold out in Berkeley Residences are 100% sold out. This area is prime real estate and is only a short walk from the Maris Primary and High School.

Today in this article, you’ll find out about the Botanique Bartley, the latest addition to the city fringe, with connections to all of Singapore via MRT and modern roadways.

Botanique Bartley Description

UOL has a reputation that is unsurpassed which is why their September …

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Housing Prices Shoebox Units

Recent media reports have stated that despite the adjusted mortgage policy brought in by the government, November still saw a continuation of falling house prices in China and this spells good news for Botanique at Bartley.
A recent survey that was conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics which involved 70 major cities has shown that in 67 cities, the pricing of new homes that has been recorded month to month has shown a decline for last month.
A dip of 0.3% was seen in housing prices for Beijing, while Shanghai showed a 0.5% drop. This is less that the 1.3% and 0.7% dip that was recorded for October of 2014.

Botanique Bartley Housing Prices

Looking at figures for second home prices including Botanique at Bartley, 58 of the 70 cities used for the report have reported a drop in prices for November, which is down from October’s figure of …

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Cutting Back Housing Supply

Property consultants for Botanique at Bartley have noted that there has been a recent cutting back by the Ministry of National Development (MND) in proposed housing units’ total numbers that fall under their GLS Programme (Government Land Sales) for 2015’s first half. This comes amidst a slow moving residential market in Botanique at Bartley and the fact that between the latter half of 2014 into 2018 there is a very significant supply coming up of 78,402 units.
The government has made plans under this most recent exercise to release 6 confirmed list sites and 13 reserve list sites. These will bring in a total of 8,775 units; 7,765 private housing and 1,010 executive condominiums. To be more specific, on the confirmed list are 490 executive condo units and 2,530 private homes. The reserved list has 5,235 private homes and 520 executive condos.

Cutting back Housing Supply increase prices for Botanique

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HDB Price Index

HDB has been working with a consultant from the National University of Singapore (NUS) Department of Real Estate to review the Resale Price Index (RPI) computation methodology, National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan announced in a blog post today. The computation may affect Botanique at Bartley prices due to the fact how it is calculated.

The review has recently been completed, and HDB will be sharing more details soon.

Published every quarter, the RPI gives a general sense of price movements in the HDB resale market, and serves as a useful reference point for home buyers and sellers in their decision-making.

HDB Price Index Botanique Bartley

Mr Khaw said the HDB resale market has seen significant changes in recent years, and the current RPI may not adequately reflect the resale market.

Citing some examples, he said more newer flat models, including taller blocks, are being transacted in the resale market.…

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Singapore Firms buy Overseas Properties

With the stagnant state of affairs in the Singapore property market, rich businessman from Singapore are becoming the largest buyer in Asia for properties all over the world and this is only occurred in nine short months 2014.

The amount of business that Singapore real estate developers for Botanique Bartley has tripled to over US$2.32 billion as compared to the three quarters of 2013 as reported by RCA (Real Tengah Plantation Close EC Capital Analytics, a New York-based research firm that specializes in researching commercial properties).

More buyers looking at Botanique at Bartley

Purchases for Botanique Bartley are occurring all over the world such as CDL’s $279 million purchase of a single piece of property in Tokyo this last September. Manhattan saw the first ever acquisition by Keppel Land indicating that more such acquisitions would be in the offing in the future. The acquisition on Manhattan’s Upper East Side purchase …

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Renovation Works at Botanique Bartley

In a recent statement made by the LTA (Land Transport Authority). It was stated that the Tampines and Sengkang Bus Interchanges were to be expanded in order to add parking spaces for an additional 12 buses each. It was also pointed out that these expansions were to feature facilities for passenger boarding and alighting, offices, a canteen, staff lounge and a concourse area. Sales for Botanique at Bartley update is that homes prices in the city state register a decline as a result of shortage of prospective buyers currently in the market. In spite of this, many property analysts pointed that this does not suggest that the city state’s real estate property industry can’t be invested as quite a few presume that the property prices will increase over the long-term.

Renovation Works commences near Botanique at Bartley

While undergoing the expansion works, both interchanges will be operating …

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Vacany Rates of Condos

Media reports are stating that the President of the Real Estate Developer’s Association of Singapore, Chia Boon Kuah, has pointed out that recent data from the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) has shown that the rate of vacancy for private homes stands at 7% for the 3rd Quarter of 2014. They further predict that this number could reach 10% as a result of the upcoming supply of 68,000 new units set for the next few years. This might spell bad news for Botanique Bartley as it is near the city fringe.

Vacany Rates of Private Homes in Botanique Bartley

During REDAS’ 55th anniversary, which was recently held at the Ritz-Carlton Millenia hotel, he shared his opinion that the industry is expecting persistent headwinds as the barrage of property market cooling measures continue to dampen sales on Botanique Bartley and take a bit out of buying sentiment. He feels that this looming …

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Condo Transactions Singapore

A report by property advisors, DTZ has stated that the 3rd Quarter of 2014 saw 2,722 private home transactions such as Botanique at Bartley, as well as 22%, or 606 units, being purchased at prices that ranged over the $2 million mark. Compared to the past 6 years, this figure is the record highest in proportions.
For the entirety of 2012 and 2013 the median purchase proportion that was transacted was 16% in 2012, and 18% in 2013.

Private Property Transactions Falling

According to DTZ’s report on transacted private residential units’ price ranges, this quarter’s proportion increase is down to a higher figure of secondary market sales. In 2014’s 3rd Quarter there were 238 transactions of non-landed units in the secondary market for over $2 million in comparison to the primary market which saw 166 transactions taking place that were over $2 million per transaction.

Botanique at Bartley Condo Transactions

The lack of sales in

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Investing in Botanique at Bartley

According to both media reports and property consultant, Cushman & Wakefield, Singapore has come out as the 2nd most preferable outbound Asian destination for Chinese mainland investors. Especially so for those investors who have been forced to plant their funds in overseas money as a result of the sluggish real estate market they are facing in their homeland.
The property consultant also feels that adding to this current outflow of capital is an abundant source of fluidity amongst investors who are wealthy, developers, investment institutions along with the strong Chinese currency.

More looking to invest in Botanique at Bartley

Something to note is the infusion of $4.18 billion (US $3.23 billion) that the Chinese have dropped into the real estate market of Singapore during 2008 to June of 2014 and is now looking possibly at owning a condo in Botanique Bartley. 50% of this was spent on development sites in …

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Botanique Bartley Condo

In the recent Excellence on the Waterfront Awards ceremony, the award for the category of Plan Honor went to the Punggol Master Plan.
Bestowed by Botanique Bartley Waterfront Center, which is based in the US, the Excellence on the Waterfront Awards was created to recognize and award development work and quality designing on waterfronts.

Punggol Waterfront near Botanique at Bartley

According to the organizations website for Botanique Bartley, those who acted as jury for the event felt that the Master Plan Punggol set an example on how to deal with a complicated set of criteria in a very creative way for emerging world nations.
Under the Master Plan, Punggol will focus on seven housing districts on the waterfront that will each be distinctive and very unique in their own character and identity.

Unique Features seen at Botanique at Bartley

Waterfront Center at Botanique Bartley has stated that the plans for …

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